What a wonderful world this could be, we could make it the best of places!
Imagine a planet filled with smiling faces! :-D

Smiling faces

 I love to see smiling faces so much,
just like I love the sun on a warm summerday!
Smiling faces that gives my heart a gentle touch,
mental sunshine that takes the shadows away.

When I see a smile, I see there are no lies.
A genuin smile melts the ice inside of me.
I see colours of love in your smiling eyes,
more beautiful than any rainbow can be.

Every time you smile as much as you may,
brings me closer to the source of love.
Dreaming of having you here with me every day,
praying that somebody can hear me above.

The solution to every problem is simple,
smiling faces that connects every heart.
Happy and smiling people with a dimple,
more beautiful than any music or art!

What a wonderful world this could be,
we could make it the best of places!
Please spread this word and please help me,
let's make this planet filled with smiling faces!

Poetry by Freeman
Read 854 times
Written on 2007-01-06 at 15:48

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Zoya Zaidi
Yeah, no daubt, they say: ' A smile goes the farthest, penetrates the deepest and is the cheapest!
A Hapy New Year!
Love, Zoya