I wanted to write a poem on the basis of my feelings of sympathy towards every woman living her life abused, beaten and humilated.

The liberation of a pussy!

 The pussydays are over,
I am not a pussy anymore!
I no longer need you,
the way I needed you before.

The pussydays are over,
I don't need you to be strong!
Watch me as I fly away,
I no longer need to belong.

The pussydays are over,
I don't need you to make me high!
Believe me as I tell you,
I have told my last lie.

Your pussydays are over,
I am not your pussy anymore!
I will never bend over for you,
never again be your whore.

My pussydays are over,
I am independant now!
My heart is healed baby,
I don't need you to make me glow.

The pussydays are over,
you will never taste me again!
I feel so sorry for you,
now it's your turn to feel pain.

Poetry by Freeman
Read 1081 times
Written on 2007-02-11 at 18:56

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
I appreciate your sentiment concerning women who are used and abused and you have written well here. However, it seems the pesona from which you write, a woman who has been imprisoned and in bondage in an abusive relationship, is still suffering from the afterman, buy referring to herself as a pussy. I understand she is speaking in her abusers language, so his small mind can get it, but I believe when she is healed completely, she will be able to put him in his place without demeaning herself. Self deprecation and self hate is a long term after effect of abuse.
Thanks for this thought provoking entry.

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
The photo says more than someone could understand by simly reading between the lines. . . But oh well as I use to say the truth lies in the eyes of the beholder :) An intellectual challenge I assume :D I like multidimensional poems, they help me sharpen my intelligence. Well written