A poem about one of my biggest passions in life!

I'm addicted!

 I'm addicted to music,
and I love to dance!
Together with other people united,
into a world of magic trance.

I'm addicted to music,
and the rhythm of hard bass!
The sound that gives me,
my always smiling face.

I'm addicted to music,
I don't need LSD!
I don't have to smoke hay,
to live my life in ecstasy.

I'm addicted to music,
it's what makes me high!
The sound of harmonic melody,
is all I ever need to fly.

I'm addicted to music,
my dealer is the DJ!
Music is my divine drug,
it's the only right way.

I'm addicted to music,
whenever I get a chance!
It's my biggest passion,
my everlasting romance.

Poetry by Freeman
Read 1005 times
Written on 2007-02-13 at 15:21

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Music is one of my drugs too Freeman. great pace and energy in this dance till you drop poem. Loved it. Smiling at you, Tai