You are the most beautiful of stars...and you were falling, but no more.

The falling star

 You were a falling star,
until I came into your life.
Living your life inside a jar,
as somebody's loyal wife.

In your darkness I showed you light,
I opened the lid that locked you in.
Released your spirit and painted it bright,
we are the same, you are my twin.

Leaving everybody wondering this,
where did they go, why did they leave?
Leaving behind what we no longer miss,
for a new world, where I am Adam and you are Eve.

Poetry by Freeman
Read 999 times
Written on 2007-01-06 at 16:12

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Zoya Zaidi
I like the imagery of the life being trapped in a Jar!
Welcome to the bay, dear Freeman!
Your poems have a certain very charming quality about them.
Love, Zoya

Zoya Zaidi
I like the imagery of the life being trapped in a Jar!
Welcome to the bay, dear Freeman!
Your poems have a certain very charming quality about them.
Love, Zoya