I want to share something with you all. The story of a moment of my life, which has influenced me in a way, that will forever colour my thoughts and my experiences , a moment when I had a glimpse of a world to be.

Alien poetry

 I had a glimpse of a world to be,
on a day just like any other here.
It was a world so alien to me,
almost too much for my heart to bear.

I had a glimpse of a world to be,
there was no pain, nothing to cry for.
Wonderful landscapes as far as I could see!
Nothing to fear, nothing like that anymore.

I had a glimpse of a world to be,
everybody was equal in this paradise.
Living in peace and harmony were we.
God, thank you for letting me see, in this world of ice.

I had a glimpse of a world to be,
WE were the aliens in this magical place.
A world unknown to us, without he or she,
I still remember when I look up into space.

I had a glimpse of a world to be,
I'll remember it for as long as I live.
I wish so much to share what God showed me,
writing this poem for you, is all I can give.

I had a glimpse of a world to be,
on a day just like any other here.
It was a world so alien to me,
almost too much for my heart to bear.

Poetry by Freeman
Read 986 times
Written on 2007-01-06 at 16:18

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Beautiful way of sharing your experience. Thank you.

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Thank you for sharing :) and *bookmarked*

Yepp, says the alien one :-)