This poem is about feelings of sorrow and pain, feelings that we control as little as we control the weather and the wind.

The returning sadness

 The returning sadness,
inside my dark soul
It's all a big mess,
nothing but an empty hole

It's back inside of me,
the returning madness
I thought I was free,
from my inside mess

The only colour I see,
the colour of the night
Black inside of me,
voices struggle and fight

The returning sadness,
endless tears of pain
The returning madness,
fighting in vain

I thought I was free

Poetry by Freeman
Read 943 times
Written on 2007-01-06 at 16:23

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This is the best kind of poem. Something that pretty much everyone can relate to at one time or another in their life. Its just always good to know and remember that you are never alone!
Great poem.

It is a fight we can never give up on or into, so don't worry, you are not alone. And you are so right, we can't stop it, but we can take measures to control it's effect upon us and know, it will pass, just like any storm in the night. Happy New Year, smiling at you, Tai

Christoffer Waye
This is a poem that i can say that I can feel the words inside of my soul, such mortal depth of the greif very good