We live in a world we think is the only reality...the other side is something we deny, just because we can't see or touch it. Blinded for the truth we fumble into darkness, believing that what we do to each other, means nothing.

The other side

 You live your life as if there is no tomorrow,
all you care about is having a nice ride.
You think you can escape from every sorrow,
in your own religion there is no other side.

Pray is something that you never do,
God and the other side you totally deny.
Peace and love are just empty words to you,
money and success is what makes you high.

Blinded by today, you forget about tomorrow,
you want to kill everybody who is against you.
Unable to see that all we have, we just borrow,
hearing the truth is something you refuse to do.

A life filled with fear and without regrets,
you hurt people but don't feel anything.
On the other side are those who never forgets,
angels in heaven that knows everything.

If only I could show you what you can't see,
open up your heart for all that is true.
Every thought and every action against me,
echoes into eternity and returns to you.

Poetry by Freeman
Read 898 times
Written on 2007-01-11 at 16:37

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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
That is absolutely true!(the last lines of your poem :) There are two kinds of freedom the negative and the positive one my interpetation is that the positive kind of freedom is when you live for today in order to create a good future then everything is going to be allright. Every action has it's equal reaction ,a law that I would dare to say that is universal :) Life is like driving a car and our vbody is the vechile of our soul :) So the question here could be: Are you a good driver? Well written simply put :) Thank you for this thought - provoking text

Zoya Zaidi
You are right,
we live in our own shell and in the narrow confines of our immediate needs...
always wanting and demanding more...
never giving only taking...
if we learn to give and share,
even if it is just love and care...
we would realize how happy we can be...
happiness is much more than just material comfort..
if we open ourselves to the world and learn to share we would be at peace with ourselves...
Phew1 Got carried away!
Thanks for the inspiring write.... Read my poem: ' Art of Happiness' Yes, I think Happiness is an art...would love to know what you think?
Love, Zoya

I is true that what we put out we get back 10 fold for sure. I hope that means I get lots of sex in this new year. Love would be nice too, but I have decided it is not essential for my needs. I would not say we all behave in the way you describe, thank the lord. Good little poem on what really matters. Smiling at you, Tai