Breaker von Hearts

You and your stupid big old crush,
Everybody can see.
He only looks at you, and you blush,
It's as clear as can be.

He and his stupid big old charm,
You take his words for true.
He says he'll never do you no harm,
But he will heartbreak you.

He makes you take the lift of hope.
When you're almost up,
He cuts of the old elevators rope,
And down you go, raindrop.

He knows about your crush, or does he?
You just can't tell.
But he knows, and he knows, he can see,
Your heart's in a cell.

But you know it's all 'cause his full name is
(Breaker von Hearts)
You know who he is, how could you miss
(Breaker von Hearts)
Brake free now, and at least spare your soul
(Breaker von Hearts)
To dismantle you into pieces, that is his goal
(Breaker von Hearts)

Me and my lovely heart warming crush,
Can everybody see?
He only looks at me, and I blush,
Is it as clear as can be?

He and his lovely heart warming charm,
His words are totally true!
He says he'll never do me no harm,
Of course I believe it too.

So he invites me to the lift of hope,
And accidentally,
Something happened with the lifts rope.
He's not guilty, silly!

He don't know about my crush, see,
I can so tell.
It's my fault, he's done nothing to me,
My heart's in no cell!

Poetry by Hollow Mary
Read 219 times
Written on 2007-01-21 at 22:01

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