And now I'm gone

I look into the mirror, and what do I see?
Some girl staring back, masquerading as me.
She's got everyone fooled, but no not me.
She want's me gone, she makes me see,

I'm in the way, my thoughts interfear
I'm not worthy this life, I've got too much fear.
She's taking control, over my soul
She's taking control, over my whole (world)

She tells me I'm too much of this and that.
To everyone, she says, I'm a doormat.
What could I do about it, I'm a nobody
I'll sit here and let her take over my body

I'm in the way, my thoughts interfear
I'm not worthy this life, I've got too much fear.
She's got me believing, I'm tedious.
She's got me believing, I'm hideous.

I can't take it no more, I give up, I give in.
I can't take it no more, I throw the towel in.

Poetry by Hollow Mary
Read 210 times
Written on 2007-01-21 at 22:02

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