transient before the moon

her face
lost years
in seconds
the deep dark
lines beneath
her eyes just
gone erased
opening up
in light and
laughter her
eyes sparkled
and grew intense
I had waited
years for this
and even the
deepest tender
kiss could not
have worked such
magic but like
a cloud transient
before the moon
her luminescent
gentle charm
passed by
too soon
too late

Poetry by Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1118 times
Written on 2007-02-18 at 17:12

Tags Love  Moon  Eyes 

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Zoya Zaidi
A smile from the heart brightens the face,
The soul shines through those eyes that we face,
Years do not matter when soul is young,
Heart always rains with passion unsung...

Welcome to the bay dear Peter!

(((Hugs for the nice poesy)))

Thanks for sharing!

Love, Zoya