A dedication to the victims and families of 911. I decided to speak for the victims to their families.

Voices From UP Under

for we will always remember
two birds who shared a vicious story.
causing havoc and destruction
to our memory
our hearts and our glory.
Visions of falling figures
jumping in desperation
for they had no freedom.
Crossing over to the light
knocking on heaven's door
known as His Kingdom.
Courageous men in uniform with badges,
and some with firehoses and axes
are now missing in action.
And as the chain of events unraveled
this mountain of blazing thunder
opens my heart
to voices from up under.
I come to you, in honor of these brothers,
with great gratitude and respect.
for they took a vow
to honor, serve and protect.
for on this tragic day of events
we all lost a mother,
a father,
a sister,
a brother,
a friend,
and a partner.
who's never been more honored.
for I am the voice speaking out to you
on this day.
Wishing you the very best.
needing to show our support,
love and respect.
but time is of the essence,
now can we bow our heads,
close our eyes
and pray...
We are all here to celebrate
and to commemorate a treasure
we found in our brothers.
for this is a simple thank you,
for the gift of hope.
for this is the rope
that gave us all
a choice to grieve and cope.
may you continue to bless our heroes,
until we meet again.
With love,

Poetry by Tiffany Saxon
Read 227 times
Written on 2007-02-19 at 16:50

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