This is dedicated to a dear friend of mine who means the world
to me. I hope that others will be able relate to this poem as well.

Who Are You?

The one that stole my heart
For you are the air to my breath
The beat to my heart
The life to my soul.
For you are my one in a million
Who completes me in every way
that i've ever known.
So Who Are You?
The one that is now apart of
But How Could This Be?
For we are 2 figures that don't understand
what we feel and see.
Who Are You?
The one that keeps me
For my heart and soul is pumping and
Like you hear the morning birds
humming and singing.
Who Are You?..
Who Are You?..
Who Are You?..
For i've asked for many of miracles
And God finally blessed me with a
dream come true
And that dream that's apart of me....
is you.....


Poetry by Tiffany Saxon
Read 240 times
Written on 2007-03-29 at 21:34

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