Lover's Dream

Remembering all of those late nights seeing
the shadows of your silhouette.
My heart begins to pound like a
damsel indistress.
Blood streaming through my veins like a nice flow of
champane called 'Moet'.
Losing one's breathe with each beat,
indiscret with hope that once again we will
Sweat drippin from the romantic evation,
Yelling out from seeing the contour of the man's
Tossing and turning into one's deminsion,
Feeling like a school girl going to detention,
In remission of one's own submission.
Only time will tell the tale
When time is on time.
Time is not blind to the necked eye,
Only time is blind to no time.
Awakening from an enchanted scene,
Looking for ones king,
Seeing the stars bling,
Just to sing into a memory....
Of a lover's dream.

Tiffany Saxon

Poetry by Tiffany Saxon
Read 262 times
Written on 2007-03-29 at 21:40

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