This is dedicated to the homeless. I was asked through a friend, to write a poem for a event through the Transitional Housing Foundation. This organization does alot of events. This event was based on a rememberance of all of those that lost their lives w

God's chosen ones

For the struggle is never over for
From sleeping on the streets to
just to get a morsel to
Scrambling through trash cans
Searching for a meal to hold on to
for days even weeks
Becomes the tool of survival that so many
endure and seek.
Seeing visions from thine eyes
gives the painful picture of hollowed
Reaching out thy arms...
asking the questions ..
HOW and WHY?.
Brings us all here today to remember
all of those who ..
Touched Hearts
and Died.
The man, women and child who's
securities have been
For God always have a better plan
That's why they were chosen.
For we may never understand
of why this is to be
For God always knows what's best,
May they never be forgotten and
may they all rest in peace...

The End....

Poetry by Tiffany Saxon
Read 238 times
Written on 2007-02-19 at 16:58

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betsy Firefly
Thoughtfully penned!