This is dedicated to my mom and to all of the victims of "Cancer". I wanted to let the world know my mother's fight with cancer and how inspirational she was from the begining to the very end. I also want my mom's strength to carry over to millions o


Your indomitable spirit will always be with me.
For as you continue to fight for life,
I will continue to fight with thee,
day in or night.
For at times,
You felt like a big fat zero
With everything to lose,
but you kept up the fight
and became a person
I call my hero.
Even for the times
You didn't want to be criticized,
judged and analyzed.
You kept your head up
without losing apart of you,
not even for truths of compromise.
So you're a victim with the courage to live.
Always facing setbacks,
facts and comebacks
God will always continue to give.
So this poem is in honor of you,
continue to keep on the fight.
Because God will always have a cure
and the answer.
For you are his special child
Who has been diagnosed with

Poetry by Tiffany Saxon
Read 255 times
Written on 2007-02-19 at 17:10

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betsy Firefly
Wonderful that you wrote this for your mom and are fighting alongside her. It means so much. I was diagnosed with Waldenström's cancer of the bonemasrrow over two years ago and was healed!! My son kept me laughing the whole time. Laughter is so important!