Caught In The Middle

I have this strange proclivity
To write about infinity
No better way to poem this, then
Without beginning or an end

To start a poem right in its middle
Presents me with a baffling riddle
This problem, so unorthodox
Reveals a puzzling paradox

The middle, relative, by definition
With no start or end, sheds its position
If I start with the middle, to my chagrin
The middle becomes the new begin

Deleting the end would be disturbing
The problem there would be unnerving
To write this poem and get it right
The middle needs an end in sight

Farewell infinity, I have concluded
Those two features can't be excluded
A beginning, a middle and an end
Seems to me a poems best blend

by Stan Cooper graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 824 times
Written on 2007-02-21 at 05:37

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