this is a lyric...can be sung to the song that Donald O'Conner sang and danced to in one of his Gene Kelly movies..."Make Them Laugh"

Take A Pill



Take a pill, take a pill

Everyone needs a pill

The doctor checks you out and says

“You need to take this pill”

You take his pill and you find out

It hasn’t cured your ill

You get to thinking all about

Your need to write your will

Take a pill, take a pill, take a pill


Take a pill, take a pill

Everyone needs a pill

Get into bed

Your throat is red

Your feeling down and out

You’ve got this pain

You’re feeling lame

Perhaps you’ve got the gout

If that’s a fact you’re out of luck

You may have lost life’s bout

Take a pill, take a pill, take a pill


Take a pill, take a pill

Everyone needs a pill

Your temperature is way up high

And you can’t reason why

If it rises any farther

 It will surely reach the sky

You’re fever has you burning up

If you don’t want to die

Take a pill, take a pill, take a pill


by Stan Cooper…6/11/13                                      graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1640 times
Written on 2013-06-22 at 00:19

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is one of your best, Stan.

Very funny and rings true. I do my best to stay away from pills and give my body time to heal itself. Reminds me of an old tune called 'Smoke, Smoke, Smoke That Cigarette.'