My Get-Up-and Go

My “get-up and go” nowhere to be found

Can’t seem to find it ‘cause it just ain’t around

My friends all insist it left long ago

Yet I know for sure that’s just ain’t so


They insist they’ve witnessed my daily noon swoon

They say it’s a swoon, but don’t dance to their tune

A nap here and there is not yet a crime

At mid-noon, eve or any other old time


My get-up and go just got up and went

They claim it’s made me a tired old gent

With envy they label me as a pretender

Because of my prowess with the opposite gender


My “get-up and go” is just on a sabbatical

No ‘cause for the doomsayers to sound so fanatical

When it returns I’ll be ready to fly

My friends will see, I’m the same gung-ho guy


by Stan Cooper…8/7/2013                                            graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1765 times
Written on 2013-08-13 at 05:10

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
STAN I find very few people able to inject there own charismatic selves into there poems loved reading the few that are posted on poet bay'

Esti D-G
Of course you are, Stan!

Nancy Sikora
Great rhymes! Fun poem!

Jalaj Soni
Dear Stan,
Read one of your poems after a while and let me tell you, like all of them, this one too has a certain charm which can make the reader smile immaterial of their mood.. Great stuff!

Jalaj Soni
Dear Stan,
Read one of your poems after a while and let me tell you, like all of them, this one too has a certain charm which can make the reader smile immaterial of their mood.. Great stuff!

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh, ho I giggled when I read the following lines:
"With envy they label me as a pretender
Because of my prowess with the opposite gender"

I really like the melody you created with your fervent words:)

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Good one, Stan. As one of a certain age, I have my doubts as to whether your get-up-and-go is on its way back. Good luck.

I'm beginning to have a severe case of the "naps," so I sympathize. But, no one has ever accused me of having prowess with the opposite gender, so I can snooze all day long and my get-up-and-go reputation remains as it was. Expectations are a terrible burden.

Greetings to Don.

Dear Stan, reading one of your poems is sure to always cheer me up!
Thanks. :-)
And this one is brilliant.