And The Spin Goes On
Bulletin..."Iraq violence escalates"Bulletin..."Bombs and mortar fire killed at least 161 people and wounded 257"
Bulletin..."Two mortar barrages on Sunni neighborhoods in West Baghdad killed nine
and wound 21"
Bulletin..."Violence in Iraq spiraling...UN finds average of 120 lives lost each day"
Bulletin..."October's toll of at least 3,709 civilian deaths was the highest so far, up
nearly 400 from September and 700 more than in August"
Question...Why can't American troops be pulled out of Iraq?
Bush wisdom.....If troops left Iraq, it would result in CHAOS
And the spin goes on and on and on !!!
by Stan Cooper...11/25/2006 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 748 times
Written on 2007-02-21 at 06:34