
Why do ladies adore me ?
What is this thing they have for me ?
Could it be that their answer is
I'm their seductive romancer whiz
That's why they just can't ignore me ?

To me it seems so uncan-ly
These ladies think I'm so manly
With me as their special beau
They'd all feel that special glow
When wooed by wooing pro Stanley

My wife explained it so simply
When I asked her opinion so wimply
She said "ladies just favor
And lovingly savor
Me 'cause I'm simply so dimply"

When these ladies fill up their plates-full
With my dimples they know to be tasteful
If sipping moon-shine
With those dimples of mine
They won't very long remain chaste-ful

by Stan Cooper ...8/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 767 times
Written on 2007-02-21 at 20:15

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Rob Graber
Pretty funny!