when i lost my daughter and son it helped to right

my road home

if you ever find a flower
as pure and white as snow
please dont ever pick it
as its beauty is there to behold
just grasp the purity
in your mind and
lock it in your heart.
so when your feeling lost and alone
just close your eye's and think
the beauty of all those wonderous things
will find your way back home

written by
©Noreen Bailey


Poetry by noreen
Read 824 times
Written on 2007-02-22 at 11:34

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lovely way in writing
loved it

Zoya Zaidi
When the beauty of a living being
Is captured in your heart,
It is always there to be cherished
In moments big and small,
To be cherished and nurtured
Lovingly to enthrall
in moments big and small
For memories are the treasures
Of our simple hearts...

This very heart-felt write!

Welcome to the bay dear Noreen!
Love, Zoya