My Rainbows End


  take my hand and follow  me  to where the rainbow  ends no  pots of gold,  false promises or honours to defend just you and i and the secerets we hold a life of misery now to unfold  promises i will never make  as sometimes they  need to be broken silence you will never know  as there are  many words to be spoken listen now and listen well our stories we must tell our future depends on our past you know to bring us back from hell   we thought we had a friend in him , god how wrong we were the depraved and twisted things he did  to put my life in fear he used to say YOU listen to me this seceret is just ours dont you ever tell  a single  soul or it will be your final hour   i really didnt know  you no just what that saying  meant a cunning and coniving beast  from the devil he was sent one day i will be old enough to bring this horror to an end and all the world will finaly know my story had an end   just think of me when that curtain closes   it did;nt have to be know your child and listen to them as no one listened to me

written by©Noreen bailey

Poetry by noreen
Read 1079 times
Written on 2007-02-27 at 09:14

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