I Guess I'm Not Profound

When things are too abounding with ideas too astounding
I find them most confounding
I guess I'm not profound

I am perhaps too fallow and perhaps a little shallow
Which makes me somewhat callow
It's clear I'm not profound

When things for me are hairy, they seem to me too scary
I prefer the ordinary
Ordinary's not profound

Of subjects too effusive with ideas too elusive
I strive be be reclusive
To hide from what's profound

My brain perhaps too plastic, can't handle things too drastic
I'll never be scholastic
My learning's not profound

Representing less a threat, simple stuff I sometimes get
Seems to cause much less a sweat
Simple stuff is less profound

When it comes to concentration, there is total resignation
To my total abdication
I escape from what's profound

To keep me more at ease, please, don't put me in a squeeze, please
Please listen to my pleas, please
You see, I'm not profound

by Stan Cooper...8/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 623 times
Written on 2007-02-23 at 21:18

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Zoya Zaidi
One thing I've just found, your wisdom's all abound
You stand your own ground
I think you're profound

((Hugs daer Stan for another humerous 'profound' piece of poesy)))

Love, Zoya