give me some help with this text:) I'm not the best english writer:p

Prayers in death

this place is just for you and me
to live in haunted tragedy.
to feel, to float, to live a dream,
this place is ours,
or so it seem.

cause rainfilled treetops,
or whispering wind.
they can all feel our lust,
our life in sin.

I fear the silence,
the words unspoken.
it all comes down to me,
my heart gets broken.

it's all a daydream,
which nightmares chase.
it all comes down,
to this last praise.

why is it all so overflown,
by emotions unexplored?
why is everyone hidden,
under this ships board?

it will come to an end,
if we don't think twice.
this piece of your soul
won't survive this endless crusifice.

so who on earth are we to pray,
for god's and heroes.
who don't exist,
in other places,
than our wildest fantasy.
where boundries are none,
freedom is all.

Poetry by theshadowangel
Read 671 times
Written on 2006-01-28 at 23:46

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John Ashleigh
A lovely combination of empathy and passion and disbelief with a positive attitude. I <3..