The Father, Son and The Holy GhostCommanded worldly attention
When all three acted as peace keeping hosts
At the "World For Peace" convention
The goal of this holy three
Was to employ their holy sway
By using their holy piety
To end our world's disarray
Too many problems had piled sky high
Betwixt Christians, Muslims, and Jews
Secular members just hadn't complied
With commandments, so things were askew
To end all this discord, they embarked on a plan
These three were all of one mind
Their plan was conversion for every last man
They believed it was best for mankind
When presenting their convention intention
The acceptance they prayed for was there
But they hadn't at all yet mentioned
The conversion to WHICH doctrinaire
The convention was filled with world leaders
Each convinced conversion would work
They were all very pious believers
And that's where the dangers did lurk
"Conversion was fine if converting to Allah"
The Muslims spoke up in that way
"Conversion was fine if converting to Yahweh"
The Jews had their say on that day
Each group approved of conversion
Conversion to THEIR way of thinking
Each of them sure THEY had the right version
While all others were merely hoodwinking
The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
Got no results to condone
They had done their best, their uppermost
So returned to their heavenly thrones
Not one of these groups will ever refrain
Though aware conversion's a tough nut to crack
None will allow THEIR right cause to wane
Each convinced THEY'RE on the right track
By Stan Cooper...6/11/02 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 532 times
Written on 2007-02-24 at 22:35