Things I've Never Done
Today I thought it might be fun
Writing of things I've never done
Like flying out in outer space
Or winning a Supreme Court case
I've never caught a touchdown pass
Or found a track star I could surpass
I never wrote a hit pop tune
Or a classic tune like Claire de Lune
Never found my Lost Horizon
Which, of course, is not suprisin'
Even though I was so inclined
I never had a concubine
Didn't act in a picture show
Or swim with fish, like Jacque Cousteau
I've never climbed the highest peaks
Or had a record winning streak
Could it be, I've missed a lot?
If that is so, I say "so what"
Why worry about those things I've shunned
I'm quite delighted with those I've done
by Stan Cooper...6/7/01 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 547 times
Written on 2007-02-24 at 23:32