Punctuation, stepchild tool of writing
Does not get it's write-ful due
If we stopped this literate slighting
It would be a literal coup

The period we see as a dot
Has such a vital essence
The reason we use it a lot
Is to forestall a run-on sentence.

Colons: are sometimes used
To act as sentencing braces
Colons called semi; help us fuse
Connecting multiple phrases

To combine a compound adjective
The hyphen-comes into play
Question marks? are for the inquisitive
While commas, show delay

If writing is your avocation
And hope writing you will master
Punctuate with punctuation
Averting literal disaster

by Stan Cooper 10/2/00 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 651 times
Written on 2007-02-25 at 05:46

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Karen Canning
great piece, I am so guilty of not using the proper grammar, loved this


night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Guilty as charged!*lol*I will bookmark this for future reference!Thank you!Honestly!For me punctuation is a matter of choice nowadays*laugh*but you are right I know. . . Thank you once again. . .*applause*