Such preposterous a thought! A man with wings
Flying on high above buildings and things
Soaring through clouds floating up in the blue
The Wright brothers said, " Birds do it. We can too."
Such preposterous a thought! A boat under water
Yet the navy came up with this metal transporter
A submarine moving through murk of the ocean
Brought reality to what was once just a notion
Such preposterous a thought! A man on the moon
It couldn't be done, at least not very soon
But we managed to do it. We landed on Lunar
Not far in the future, but very much sooner
Such preposterous a thought! A bulb all aglow
Thomas Edison dreamed it a long time ago
What say them now, those purveyors of doubt
Going their rounds putting old gaslight out
Such preposterous a thought! Doomsayers most always defame
Their vision of what's possible is not one to claim
If we left it to them, there'd still be no wheel
We wouldn't be driving the automobile
Those preposterous skeptics, somewhat inane
Are deserving of nothing more then disdain
With positive thinking we will succeed
Achieving our goals of society's need
Such preposterous a thought, to have peace on our earth
Of cynical doubters there is not a dearth
May the future show, we didn't dismay
Let's focus on peace, starting today
by Stan Cooper...2/2000 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 529 times
Written on 2007-02-26 at 07:35