Home Is Where The Mind Is

Surrounded by lush gardens,
The nursing home stood
Mirroring the old souls
Within its walls

Housed and sheltered
My dad waited there
In his last refuge
Separated from a world
He no longer understood

Before each visit, I agonized
Would he recognize me?
Could he remember his home?
Would he beg to return?
How will I respond?

If I speak of memories shared
Will this stir fleeting moments
Of good-times past
Making it painful to remain
Where I knew he must?

He never asked about...
Relatives, friends, or home
This was his home, his reality
I was the one who had to adjust
As home is where the mind is

I watered the lush gardens
With my tears

by Stan Cooper...9/11/03 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 560 times
Written on 2007-02-26 at 23:31

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