Language Of Artists

Poets rhyme with words
Dancers dance with grace
Sounds of music's heard
In notes we all embrace

Musicians speak with notes vivacious
Pulsing rhythms with great passion
Poets create with rhymes loquacious
In unique poetic fashion

What each artists potrays
As he paints his cornerstone
He artistically conveys
In a language all his own

Art reveals emotion
Each creator has his say
In language, with devotion
They speak in their own way

by Stan Cooper...12/25/00 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 638 times
Written on 2007-02-27 at 03:44

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Zoya Zaidi
'Art reveals emotion
Each creator has his say
In language, with devotion
They speak in their own way'

This isa so true Stan!
Love, Zoya