Now and Then

From my quirky adolescence
I recall my effervescence
Which is now in obsolescence
In my grown up state

I did many things so cad-like
Thought by adults to be bad-like
Can't now do them, so I'm sad-like
I'm so out of date

All those teenag-ey illusions
Weren't more than just delusions
Caused by teenag-ey confusions
They called growing up

Never took things much too hearty
Every day seemed like a party
Being alecky and smarty
When I bravo-ed up

But, now I am a senior
No longer just a teen-ior
I act much more pristine-ior
It seems so bleak

My time is spent in viewing
Watching TV junk that's spewing
Doing nothing worth taboo-ing
I'm an old antique

by Stan Cooper...8/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 562 times
Written on 2007-02-28 at 04:28

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yes i agree
nice idea