Word Metamorphoses
I once knew the meaning of words
A web was a spider's weaving
Now my grasp of web has been blurred
Old meanings of web is deceiving
Outlandish words come streaming
Jargoned in the world of computers
Web now has an alien meaning
Programmers are language polluters
Remember when windows were closed
To keep out the winter's cold air
But windows now are supposed
To act as computers software
Chips were used in casinos galore
Or partnered with fish for snacks
Cyberspace now has opened the door
To chips for computering hacks
Yesterday, things bouncing around
Were known to us as floppies
But now with computers, floppies abound
As aids in backing file copies
In past days, hard disks would fright us
As symptoms conditionally spinal
Like broken bones or something with itis
Or diseases painful and final
Now, hard disks are most opportune
For filling computers with data
Their memories, large, won't very soon
Run out of alpha or beta
Programmers are re-shaping words
We accept this with apprehension
Words are now worded more for nerds
And that is my bone of contention
by Stan Cooper...1/28/01 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 556 times
Written on 2007-02-28 at 12:35