I Can Only Write Like Me

Poet Poe, though "Raven" mad
His work could all excite
Forever, I'd be mighty glad
If I could Poe-like write

I'd love to write like Shakespeare
With nothing "much ado"
But, Bard-William, have no fear
I could never write like you

Cole Porter, clever word-king
Your songs are all the rage
My words, though to my liking
Your reign I can't up-stage

The opera Boris Godunov
Has great linguistic string
My lyrics aren't good enough
To have written such a thing

Those writers cut me down to size
It's true, unfortunately
Since I don't care to plagiarize
I can only write like me

by Stan Cooper...5/17/03 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 667 times
Written on 2007-03-01 at 04:37

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