We hypothesize as a way to extract
Deep thoughts we locate in our brain
This device we use is so very abstract
It is very hard to explain

It's unique, we think, to humanity
Using "If" when trying to learn
Non use of "If" would be calamity
We hypothesize to discern

Employing "If" can cause confusions
If used improperly
Rightly used, "If" leads to conclusions
Perceived to be scholarly

We'd lose the ability to understand
With our search for knowledge shaken
If hypothesizing was foolishly banned
And the use of "If" forsaken

Birds can't "If" it
Bees can't "If" it
But most people on this earth can
Monkeys in the trees can't "If" it
And that's what differs them from man

by Stan Cooper...9/13/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 612 times
Written on 2007-03-02 at 03:02

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A very interesting poem. The last staza mentioning birds and bees gives a slight representation of something sexual. Did you mean to do that? Very good work!