Situated just along the River Tagus from Lisbon (seaward) is the beautiful town of Belem, whence Portuguese mariners set forth on voyages of European discovery


by Belem's
tower they
set their
sails for
virgin lands
as post
by post
they marked
their way
for beauty
bounty gory

by Belem's
tower we
set our
love 'neath
olive tree
by azure
sea as
local men
cast line
on line
to sate
their thirst
for capture

by Belem's
tower I
sit alone
'neath olive
tree my
mind to roam
to futures
past and
present times
to come

by Belem's
tower a
gift you
give of
fossil shell
from limestone
deep cast
forth to
lie on
at sea
no longer

by Belem's
tower we
walk and
talk and
the sea

Poetry by Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 982 times
Written on 2007-03-02 at 15:10

Tags Portugal  Sea  Love 

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