The Good Old Days

The world has changed in many ways
Keyboards instead of pencils
Yet I remember the "Good Old Days"
When we still drew with stencils

I remember the Good Old Days
Dancing was fox trott-en
The world has changed in many ways
The Fox Trot's now forgotten

The world has changed in many ways
Airplanes were once propelled
I remember the "Good Old Days"
Before jet planes excelled

I remember the "Good Old Days"
On dates, those good night kisses
The world has changed in many ways
No more those simple blisses

The world has changed in many ways
Where are Ginger and Astaire ?
I remember the "Good Old Days"
When they danced beyond compare

I remember the "Good Old Days"
Baseball, our sporting pastime
The world has changed in many ways
Sporting violence and morass time

Can it be the "Good Old Days"
Are just better on reflection
And those worldly changes, in many ways
Don't deserve my carped invection ?

by Stan Cooper...8/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 577 times
Written on 2007-03-03 at 05:07

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