
Words are weighty useful things
When employed with proper diction
Written by poets, read by kings
In novels, poems and non-fiction

Words of action are called verbs
And nouns are used for naming
Used together, they're most superb
In sentence structure taming

Where, without adjectives, would we be?
We couldn't describe our descriptions
How would we illustrate for others to see
All our adjective-less depictions?

Words are used to please or slander
They're sly-ably apply-able
Spoken with truth, or spoken with candor
They're pliab-ly reliable

Our path to all great thinking
Either abstract or concrete
Words aid our interlinking
Without words we're incomplete

Spoken words, we know as speech
When too wordy in their essence
To you speakers, we beseech
Please restrain your effervescence

So, three cheers for all those many words
That are found in any dictionary
The belief they're use is just for nerds
In truth is truly fictionary

by Stan Cooper...7/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 625 times
Written on 2007-03-03 at 13:51

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This flowed well then lost it along the way a little, but I do agree,

words are something
in which all writers play,
lots of silly games,
some gentle prods,
some which make you pay

with blood, sweat and tears
But also in loving memory
Of past, present and future years.

Smiling at you,
