
Wine's exhilaratingly delightful
When sipped at any meal
Yet intoxicatingly frightful
When drunk with too much zeal

Wine will warm you with it's glow
You may act most injudiciously
If sipping on a french Bourdeaux
It's sipped too avariciously

You can end up seeing doubly
Swigging the King of wines
That delicious champagne bubbly
From vintage champagne vines

Success of an Italian meal hinges
At many an Italian home
On their Italian Chianti binges
In their Italian city of Rome

Nothing's better to wash down pasta
For Chianti red wine there is no match
The pasta slides down so much fasta
Tippling Chainti with tippling dispatch

Japanese drink Saki readily
It's the rice wine of their nation
Known to affect them most headily
Is their Saki dedication

If winers can't wine when they're dining
For them, there is nothing much worse
Avid winers resort then to whining
'Cause they can't squelch their wine craving thirst

All those many wine sipping hearties
Who guzzle from morning till dawn
Do not end their wine guzzling parties
Until all the wine is long gone

by Stan Cooper...8/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 588 times
Written on 2007-03-03 at 14:09

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