
I owned a pair of boots
Bought just twelve years ago
Those boots to me were beauts
Perfect fit from heel to toe

They had a scuff or two
Or maybe four or five
Were not exactly new
And were barely just alive

"Now their time has passed,"
My wife kept telling me
She had me all aghast
With her "dump the boots" decree

She never understood
My boot-i-ful devotion
I know she never could
Have this boot-i-ful emotion

My boots were friends with soul
Soles with built in last
I asserted self-control
By not forsaking them so fast

Old Friends, so true and tried
Should never ever be
Nonchalantly cast aside
Like dirt and old debris

But, alas, the time had come
For her to have her way
Bootless, I was numb
It was a sad sad day

By Stan Cooper...6/15/02 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 587 times
Written on 2007-03-04 at 08:16

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Zoya Zaidi
"These boots are meant for walking,
And that is just what they will do,
And one day these boots are gonna
Walk allover you..."
Nancy and Frank Sinatra

Thanks for sharing this boti-licious poem!

Love, Zoya