Cocka Doodle Doos

An old rooster, ranting and rickety
Often toward hens acts persnickety
The cock's merely expressing
That his aging's depressing
Because he ain't what he used to be

His fowl play ruffles the coop
Which flusters the hen's social group
Their concern - he'll provoke
Their not laying a yolk
And wind up as hot chicken soup

This show-offy rooster's a cur
The chicks need a way to deter
His cock-of-the-walk sassing
With their hen-peck-ing thrashing
The barnyard is all in a stir

Like roosters, some men act the same
Their grandstanding can often inflame
But they should be forgiven
When by aging they're driven
To strutting and acting inane

To cause his girl chicks dismay
He struts his big ego display
But, though he might choose-ta
Strut like a rooster
It won't stop his hair turning gray

By Stan Cooper...6/12/04 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 574 times
Written on 2007-03-04 at 08:43

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