The Bottom Line

"Get to the Bottom Line"
They tell me all the time
I've never known them to fail
To beg me to skip all detail
"Just get to the bottom Line"

The Bottom Line, what is it?
The Bottom Line, where is it?
It's really got me thinking
Yet I have no inkling
Just how to get to the bottom line

The outer line, the inner line
The thicker line, the thinner line
These umpteen lines leave me bemused
These varied lines have me confused
My path seems blocked to the bottom line

Let's not forget the Mason-Dixon
The Watergate line crossed over by Nixon
The Railroad line, the waiting line
The salesman's line, with it's sales design
Where oh where is the bottom line?

There's the comic line, the underline
Ma Belle's line, and telegraph line
The chow line, don't cross that line
But they insist I draw the line
At the bottom line

Of the bottom line I'm in despair
I think the whole thing's most unfair
But how will I ever live this down
In this bottom line-ish sort of a town?
The bottom line is, I really don't care

By Stan Cooper...1/22/04 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 601 times
Written on 2007-03-04 at 18:06

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betsy Firefly
The bottom line is you should be on stage reading your poems out loud to the sick and the elderly to make them laugh!