Doctor, Doctor, Hear Me Out

Doctor, Doctor, hear me out
I fear I've got poetic gout
I'm in the need of diagnosis
Inform me of my rhyme prognosis

Wandering meters have got me down
Since most critiqu-ers upon them frown
I find myself in syntax ailing
As sentence structure has me failing

I'll never be a rhyme achiever
My metaphors just cause me fever
Similes I most despair with
Likeness-es they can't compare with

I'm laden down with fractured spelling
My broken English is not compelling
Doctor, Doctor, hear me out
I fear I've got poetic gout

By Stan Cooper...6/26/03 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 553 times
Written on 2007-03-04 at 18:19

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