Definition of SESQUIPEDALIANISM....the use of a long word


Books that are comprised
Of words too oversized
Will most often be apprised
As writing that is wrong

There is value to simplicity
Which offers more explicitly
Soundings more exquisitely
When words are not too long

When writing poem or pros-ing
If one is pre-disposing
To wordy overdosing
It's readers to ensnare

The piece will end up boring
Will need much editor-ing
And have its readers snoring
All writers must beware

So, away with lengthy word-iness
Get rid of wordy girth-iness
And write with wordy worth-iness
Long words should be indicted

Authors bent on clarity
Make foot-long words a rarity
And win more popularity
With readers most delighted

by Stan Cooper graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 589 times
Written on 2007-03-05 at 01:39

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