My English is non-fluent
My German's germanic-ly in Dutch
Linguistically, semantic-ly a truant
I'm in need of a verbalizing touch
I speak few french-y words with meaning
At best I get slightly past oui-oui
My Spanish is not at all redeeming
Spaniards adios me when they hear me say Si-Si
My brain is fully crammed with what it's thinking
Like molten lava, thoughts need a place to flow
Without linguistics skills, they'll be no linking
To the world around I wish my thoughts to go
I must escape this verbiage confinement
For great philosophic thought to find its way
With newly learned linguistic-al refinement
My thoughts will be more convincingly conveyed
by Stan Cooper...2005 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 553 times
Written on 2007-03-05 at 23:17