written 3am

Sleepless In Las Vegas

I've never seeked acclaim
Or any special fame
For my rhymes that seem crania-lly embedded
They cause me sleepless strain
As they twirl around my brain
I wonder where I'm crania-lly headed

In my brain they seem to pop-in
Can't seem to ever stop-em
Each night instead of sleeping, I'm awake
I'd love so much to swap-em
For a good night's sleep would top-em
My total sanity is what's at stake

My rhyming aberration
Would cause less consternation
If written at a time more opportune-ish
Would it really really matter
If when I write my patter
It was written in the daytime, close to noon-ish?

by Stan Cooper...12/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 553 times
Written on 2007-03-05 at 23:28

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