
My head was once covered with hair combed so slick
I can't comb it now, 'cause it's no longer thick

My eyes never drooped, they never were saggy
My how they've changed, they're now oh-so baggy

My abs have so grown, were flat, now they're round
They seem to be stretching right down to the ground

And speaking of stretches, just ask Jeannie my belle
Sex is still there, we remember it well

My hands very steady, not once did they shake
But now there's a tremor, that's not quite a quake

I used to think clearly, my brain was a beaut
But now things get fuzzed when I try to compute

But one thing won't change, I boldly avow it
My spirit won't age, I just won't allow it

by Stan Cooper...12/31/01 Cartoon by Donald Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 583 times
Written on 2007-03-05 at 23:55

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