Younger Generation

Our younger generation
When expressing veneration
Seem to follow a very, very simple rule
They have no hesitation
In showing admiration
Describing anything that's grand as really "Cool"

Would you describe Beethoven's work as "cool" ?
Is cool the only adjective taught in school?
Have these kids no strong emotion
Are they taught no depth-devotion
Is their learning so completely miniscule?

Another descriptive word they use is "Awesome"
It's a word they use expectantly to floor some
It's hard to understand
How it got so out of hand
The overuse of "Awesome" is so bore-some

Parents, take a greater guiding role
Attempt to reach your youngster's inner soul
Let's not at all forsake them
Grab hold of them and shake them
Help them reach a first-rate cultured goal

by Stan Cooper...2/28/01 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 616 times
Written on 2007-03-06 at 03:29

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