Memory Lapse
Woe is me, the older I getI must try to remember not to forget
I believe my mind is still in fair shape
Yet, so many things just seem to escape
My memory lapse is hard to ignore
I have need to remember those things from before
Without recollection, I'll forever be seeking
Things from the past, historically speaking
If I could remember past trips to far places
My travel companions, and all of their faces
I'd gratefully stay in thought so reflective
Past, present and future would have more perspective
I sometimes wonder about things I recall
Is my vision of them not true at all
Likely they're pictured in great extreme
Or perhaps fictioned from one of my dreams
I hope I'll eventually see through this curtain
This curtain that's keeps me so very uncertain
The one sure way to escape this dilemma
Is to never forget to always remember
by Stan Cooper graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 547 times
Written on 2007-03-06 at 06:53