*This poem is dedicated to a late and dear friend, Daph Hunt, who originally
suggested "Geometry and Algebra" as a subject for a poem

Geometry and Algebra

I have never been bright in science
I'm most certainly dismal in math
But now I must show some compliance
As I don't want to disappoint Daph*

My brain gets so terribly jangled
With a headache that's really a beaut
When I think of an Isosceles triangle
With it's angles known as acute

When mapping a route I am taking
To shorten the distance I use
I usually end up partaking
A triangle's hypotenuse

I use algebraic equations
Every day with their Xs and Ys
They aid in my calculations
Solving problems that daily arise

Dreamed up by Euclid and Pythagoras
Full of matrix and axioms
Algebraics brings us to calculus
Far beyond just maxi-sums

Tangental to all is logistics
A science of philosophy
With properly used syllogistics
We embark on a thinking spree

Daph,* you were sharply acute
Like the angles of Isosceles
Your subject, more fittingly astute
For Plato or Mister Socrates

by Stan Cooper...9/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 544 times
Written on 2007-03-06 at 20:31

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