The love of knowledge is its meaning
A concept simple yet profound
It offers insight and a gleaming
Into subjects that confound
We inquire, and thus learn
Delving into much unknown
And philosophically discern
Faulty myths we should disown
Reflective thinkers in the past
When new ideas they dared expound
Would often find themselves outcast
For reaching far beyond set bounds
Philosophy helps us tip the scale
When search for truth is not impeded
Knowledge seekers must prevail
Revealing wisdom sorely needed
Deep thinkers with broad concept
Are not deserving of disdain
Search for truth we should accept
As philosophy's true domain
Encourage Platos of our day
To forge ahead inquiring
And with their wisdom, help convey
Thoughts, logically inspiring
by Stan Cooper...6/2000 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 572 times
Written on 2007-03-07 at 03:39